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Alabama Democrat Wants Mandatory Vasectomies Until Marriage

RÉCIPROQUE BAY, ALABAMA -- A Democrat in the State of Alabama has drafted new legislation she hopes will be a "counterbalancing measure" to the...

Alabama Democrat Proposes Mandatory Vasectomies Until Marriage

RÉCIPROQUE BAY, ALABAMA -- A Democrat in the State of Alabama has drafted new legislation she hopes will be a "counterbalancing measure" to the...

Alabama Democrat Proposes Mandatory Vasectomies Until Marriage

RÉCIPROQUE BAY, ALABAMA -- A Democrat in the State of Alabama has drafted new legislation she hopes will be a "counterbalancing measure" to the...

Alabama Democrat Proposes Mandatory Vasectomies Until Marriage

RÉCIPROQUE BAY, ALABAMA -- A Democrat in the State of Alabama has drafted new legislation she hopes will be a "counterbalancing measure" to the...

Wisconsin Republican Wants Food Stamp Recipients’ Stomachs Pumped

LAKE TETE DE PÉNIS, WISCONSIN -- Republican Rep. Tom Thompaulsen is very concerned about what's happening with food stamp recipients in his home state...

Alabama GOP Considering Bill to Force Stomach Pumping of Welfare Recipients

Alabama doesn't want Wisconsin having all the fun crapping on welfare recipients.

New Tennessee Law Requires All Transformers Toys to Only Have Car Mode

If you're a parent living in Tennessee and buying your child a Transformer for their upcoming birthday, you might want to consider purchasing it...

Alabama GOP Wants Separate Drinking Fountains for Transgender People

This morning, on a party line vote, an Alabama state legislative committee approved a bill that if passed and signed into law would set...

TN Lawmakers Appoint Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro Official State Gender Inspectors

Republican lawmakers in the State of Tennessee held a closed-door session late last night, and emerged having created a new State Board of Gender...

Florida Republicans Propose 24-Hour Waiting Period for All Men Buying Dresses

If you're a man looking to buy a dress for your daughter, niece, wife, or girlfriend and you happen to live in the Gunshine...